Meg has demonstrated the leadership necessary to accomplish the difficult things that School Committees have to do. And with the challenges we have ahead, Belmont deserves her kind of experienced leadership.
— Ed Barker, Garfield Road

Meg talks about the role of School Committee and positive school culture and why you should vote for Meg on April 2nd.

Meg keeps students at the forefront of her decision-making as a member of the School Committee. She thinks constantly about what is best for all students and how Belmont can provide the best possible experience for all students. She also recognizes how much support the Belmont community provides for Belmont schools, including the support provided by Belmont parents.
— Lindsay Kalmakis, Wellington PTO Co-President; Sara Colleary, Wellington PTO Board Member

Meg talks about how student voice is uplifted at School Committee meetings and one of her regular visits to observe teaching, learning, and lunch!

Meg talks about the value of our new teaching & learning spaces at the Belmont Middle and High Schools.